• ZENBU-Reports
    ZENBU-Reports is a scientific interactive data portal page builder. It use graphical interfaces to allow non-programmers to build scientific data analysis visualization pages using their own uploaded data.
  • FANTOM6 Experiment Index
    An web interface for selecting experiments and retrieving produced data by the experiments


  • Zenbu
    A new data integration, data processing, and expression enhanced visualization system with secured data upload and sharing designed for big data genomics projects (FANTOM5, FANTOM4, FANTOM3, ENCODE). Primary data visualization system for FANTOM5.
  • FANTOM5 miRNA atlas (current)
    The FANTOM5 integrated miRNA expression atlas shows the expression patterns of miRNAs profiled by sequencing short RNA libraries produced from RNA samples obtained from human, mouse, rat, dog, or chicken.
  • FANTOM5 miRNA atlas (former)
    The former version of miRNA expression atlas for human and mouse.
  • FANTOM CAT Browser
    An web application for the FANTOM CAT. The tool allows users to browse genes, view their genomic loci through ZENBU, filter by their annotations, intersect them with their associated sample ontologies or traits, and download the relevant data.
    (Semantic catalogue of Samples, Transcription initiation, And Regulations) An interface to explore the cell type, co-expression cluster specific annotations, motifs and transcription factors.
  • BioLayout
    A analysis tool used to identify patterns in FANTOM5 data by building network visualizations of correlation matrices.
  • FANTOM5 Data Hub on the UCSC Genome browser.


  • Zenbu
    • FANTOM4 ThP1 human.6
      Collection of FANTOM4 promoter annotations, CAGE TSS expression signal, ChIP-chip signal, qRT-PCR ThP1 expression timecourse, Illumina hg6v2 microarray expression experiments including siRNA knockdowns and THP-1 PMA stimulation time course experiments. Mapped onto human hg18 assembly.
  • SwissRegulon
  • UCSC Custom Tracks
  • The RIKEN integrated database of mammals
  • Genome Browser
    A graphical display of genomic features, such as promoters, exon structures, H3K9 acetylation, transcription factors positioning on the genome, coupled with gene and promoter activities.
  • EdgeExpressDB
    Regulatory interactions, such as transcriptional regulation, post-transcriptional silencing with miRNA, and PPI, coupled with gene and promoter activities.