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Property:Ancestors in cell lineage facet


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The type of this property is String

Showing 20 pages using this property.
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +, CL:0000988  +,
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +, CL:0000988  +,
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +, CL:0000988  +,
CL:0000000  +, CL:0000003  +, CL:0000548  +,