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Species:Human (Homo sapiens)
Library ID:{{{library_id}}}
Sample type:{{{sample_category}}}
Genomic View: UCSC
Additional information
Sample information
dev stageNA
age15 months
cell typefibroblast
cell lineGM2-1TKB
companyRIKEN Bioresource centre
collaborationYukio Nakamura (RIKEN BRC)
External link for information[{{{sample_info_link}}} {{{sample_info_link}}}]
RNA information
lot numberNA
catalog numberNA
sample typetotal RNA
extraction protocol (Details)OP-RNA-extraction-totalRNA-miRNeasy_Mini-v1.0
Download raw sequence, BAM & CTSS
[{{{hg19bam}}} download][{{{hg19ctss}}} donwload]
[{{{hg38bam}}} download][{{{hg38ctss}}} donwload]

Co-expression clusters with enriched expression in this sampleRanked list of co-expression cluster expression in this sample relative to the median expression in the FANTOM5 collection is shown. Value is log10 transformed. <br>Analyst:NA <br><br>link to dataset.<br>data

Repeat families with enriched expression in this sample<b>Summary:</b>Ranked list of repeat family expression in this sample relative tothe median expression in the FANTOM5 collection is shown. Value is log10transformed.<br><b>Analyst:</b>NA<br><br>link to dataset.<br>data no result for this sample

TFBS(DNA)motifs over-represented in proximal region of promoters active in this sample

JASPAR motifs<b>Summary:</b>Association of JASPAR motif to the promoter expression in thissample. Pearson's correlation between the number of TFBSs estimated byusing the position-weight matrix for each promoter and its expression isexpressed as Z-score by taking the ones based on random position-weightmatrix, and the tail probability of the normal distribution correspondingto the Z-score is taken as the resulting P-value. Lower P-value indicatesmore (non-random) association of the motif to promoter expression<br><b>Analyst:</b> Michiel de Hoon <br><br><br>link to dataset.<br>data

FANTOM5 phase1 novel unique motifs<b>Summary:</b>Association of the 169 novel and unique motifs discovered in FANTOM5 phase1 in this sample. Among the de-novo motifs discovered by DMF, HOMER,ChIPMunk, and ScanAll, only novel motifs are selected after comparison with known motif sets, and their clustering based on MACRO-APE resulted in169 novel and unique motifs. Their association to the promoter expression is evaluated in the same way to the JASPAR motif above<br><b>Analyst:</b> Michiel de Hoon <br><br><br>link to dataset.<br>data

de novo motifs identified by HOMER in promoters active in this sample<b>Summary:</b>The result of HOMER in this sample is shown.<br><b>Analyst:</b>NA <br>

FANTOM5 (FF) ontology

Direct parent terms

is_a relathionship

part_of relathionship

has_quality relathionship

Ancestor terms (non development)<b>Summary:</b>Connected ontology terms with is_a, part_of or located_in relationship <br><b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji<br><br>link to source data<br>data

CL: Cell type
0000000 (cell), 0000000 (cell)
0000003 (native cell)
0000034 (stem cell)
0000048 (multi fate stem cell)
0000055 (non-terminally differentiated cell)
0000057 (fibroblast)
0000134 (mesenchymal cell)
0000219 (motile cell)
0000255 (eukaryotic cell)
0000548 (animal cell)
0000723 (somatic stem cell)
0002320 (connective tissue cell)
0002371 (somatic cell)

DOID: Disease
0014667 (disease of metabolism)
10583 (lipoidosis)
1443 (cerebral degeneration)
1927 (sphingolipidosis)
2368 (gangliosidosis)
3146 (lipid metabolism disorder)
331 (central nervous system disease)
3320 (Tay-Sachs disease)
3321 (gangliosidosis GM2)
4 (disease)
655 (inherited metabolic disorder)
7 (disease of anatomical entity)
863 (nervous system disease)
936 (brain disease)

UBERON: Anatomy
0000061 (anatomical structure)
0000465 (material anatomical entity)
0000479 (tissue)
0001062 (anatomical entity)
0002384 (connective tissue)


Ancestor terms (development)<b>Summary:</b>Connected ontology terms with develops_from, derives_from or preceded_by relationship <br><b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji <br><br>link to source data<br>data