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Name:experimentally modified cell in vitro
Definition:"A cell in vitro that has undergone physical changes as a consequence of a deliberate and specific experimental procedure." [FB:ma, ReO:mhb]
Comments:This class has been re-labeled to imply reference only to in vitro experimentally modified cells, similarly, the definition has been slightly updated to reflect this.experimentally modified cell' refers only to cells in vitro, and not modified in vivo/in environment cells . There is currently no class representing unmodified in vitro cells (other than the parent 'cell in vitro'), or a class representing modified native cells. More granular subclassing of experimentally modified cell can be found in ReO. MHB 1.12.12

Ontology association <br>Each term has an is_a parent in the Cell ontology, which has a linkage to an another entity and FANTOM5 samples.Libraries were grouped into mutually exclusive facets according to the FANTOM5 sample ontology mapping to Cell ontologies.<br><br>link to ontology dataset<br>data


is_a:CL:0001034(cell in vitro)


is a:CL:0000010 (cell culture cell;;obsolete_cell line cell)

Ontology Tree: Loaded from BioPortal

Ontorolgy tree(Small window open)

FF samples<br>It includes FANTOM5 samples that overlay the Cell ontology.

Human (Homo sapiens)

Mouse (Mus musculus)

Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology termTOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with CL:0000578 (experimentally modified cell in vitro), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji<br><br>link to source dataset <br>human : data <br>mouse : data

No analysis results for this cluster