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Property:Map location


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The type of this property is string

Showing 20 pages using this property.
11q13.3  +
10  +, 10;;10  +
11  +, 11;;11  +
8q22.2  +
10q21.3  +
3q21.3  +
3q12.1  +
17q25.3  +
1p21.3-p13.3  +
3q12.3  +
X A1.1  +, X  +, X A1.1;;X  +
14q24.2  +
-  +
4 E1  +, 4  +, 4 E1;;4  +
-  +
11 E2  +, 11  +, 11 E2;;11  +
4 D3  +, 4  +, 4 D3;;4  +
4 A5  +, 4 11.4 cM  +, 4 A5;;4 11.4 cM  +
15q22.32  +
11q14.3-q21  +