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{{#ask:[[ancestors_in_disease_facet::{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]|[[sample_species::Chicken (Gallus gallus)]][[name::+]]|?name=|limit=10|format=ul|headers=hide|intro=<b>Chicken (Gallus gallus)</b>}}
{{#ask:[[ancestors_in_disease_facet::{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]|[[sample_species::Chicken (Gallus gallus)]][[name::+]]|?name=|limit=10|format=ul|headers=hide|intro=<b>Chicken (Gallus gallus)</b>}}

== Enrichment analysis: FFCP enriched with this ontology term ==
== Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology term ==
{{#info:TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with {{{id}}} ({{{name}}}), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji}}
{{#info:TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with {{{id}}} ({{{name}}}), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji}}
Now Updating
|?ffcp_ontology_enrichment_disease_p-value|format=template|template=Triplecolumn_to_tbrow|link=none|intro=<html><table class="ont_enrich_ffcp"><thead><tr><th>P-value</th><th>FFCP</th><th>Short description</th></tr></thead><tbody></html>|outro=<html></tbody></table></html>|sort=ffcp_ontology_enrichment_disease_p-value|order=desc|limit=100|searchlabel=}}
== Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology term v019 var. ==
{{#info:TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with {{{id}}} ({{{name}}}), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji}}
|?ffcp_ontology_enrichment_disease_v019_p-value|format=template|template=Triplecolumn_to_tbrow|link=none|intro=<html><table class="ont_enrich_ffcp"><thead><tr><th>P-value</th><th>FFCP</th><th>Short description</th></tr></thead><tbody></html>|outro=<html></tbody></table></html>|sort=ffcp_ontology_enrichment_disease_v019_p-value|order=desc|limit=100|searchlabel=}}

Revision as of 18:21, 17 August 2012


  • id: {{{id}}}
  • name: {{{name}}}
  • namespace:
  • def:
  • xref:
  • is_a:
  • synonym:
  • comment:
  • alt_id:
  • disjoint_from:
  • union_of:
  • created_by:
  • subset:
  • creation_date:
  • adjacent_to:
  • derives_from:
  • develops_from:
  • has_quality:
  • located_in:
  • part_of:


Ontology Tree

<onttree nodeid={{{id}}} />

FF samples

Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology term

TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with {{{id}}} ({{{name}}}), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji

Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology term v019 var.

TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with {{{id}}} ({{{name}}}), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji

"{{{obo_creation_date}}}" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.