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|?Associated motif id

Data sources used in FANTOM5 SSTAR

  #loop: j
  | 0         
  | {{#arraysize:geneids_array}}
  | <nowiki/>
{{#vardefine:PeakCount|{{#ask: [[Category:FFCP]][[EntrezGene::{{#var:ID}}]]|format=count}}}}

{{#arraydefine: defined_array{{#var:j}} |{{#var:ID}}/{{#var:Symbol}}/{{#var:MotifId}}/{{#var:Description}}/{{#var:PeakCount}}}}
=== CAGE peaks ===
{{#vardefine:db_content|{{#arrayprint:defined_array{{#var:j}}}}?{{#var:db_content}}  }}
* CAGE peak location (with the robust threshold) , annotation, and expression
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>
* Ontology-based sample term enrichment analysis
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>

=== Genes ===
==Human transcription factors==
* Transcription factors (curated list)
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>

* Gene details (obtained from EntrezGene)
<script type="text/javascript" src="/5/sstar/rb_js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human and Mouse]</span>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/5/sstar/rb_js/html5button/datatables.min.js"></script>
<style type="text/css" title="currentStyle">
@import "/5/sstar/rb_js/html5button/datatables.css";

=== Coexpression module ===
* FFCP member list
    border:1px solid lightgrey;
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
    width      : 90px;
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>
    height      : 20px;
* Sample ontology enrichment analysis
** <span class="plainlinks">[ human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ mouse]</span>
* GOStat results on Coexpression module
** <span class="plainlinks">[ human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ mouse]</span>
* Pathway enrichment analysis
** <span class="plainlinks">[ human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ mouse]</span>
* TFBS overrepresentation
** <span class="plainlinks">[ human_novel_motif]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ human_jaspar_motif]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ mouse_novel_motif]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[  mouse_jaspar_motif]</span>
* <span class="plainlinks">[ ENCODE_TF_ChIP-seq_peak enrichment analysis]</span>
* Relative expression of the co-expression module
** <span class="plainlinks">[ human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ mouse]</span>

=== Motifs ===
<script type="text/javascript">
* Novel motifs GREAT analysis results
            var content = "";
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
            var m_data = {};
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>
            m_data.content = [];
* Novel motifs Significance of the correlation with CAGE expression
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>
* Jaspar motifs Significance of the correlation with CAGE expression
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>

$(document).ready(function() {
=== Sample ===
                    content= "</html>{{#var:db_content}}<html>";
* sample name and attributes
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>
* <span class="plainlinks">[ Transcription factors, relative expression]</span>
* <span class="plainlinks">[ HOMER motifs]</span>
* Repeat family, relative expression
** <span class="plainlinks">[ human]</span>
** <span class="plainlinks">[ mouse]</span>

                    var content_array = content.split("?");
=== Ontology ===
* <span class="plainlinks">[ Sample ontology(FF), Cell ontology(CL), Human disease ontology(DOID) and Uber anatomy ontology (UBERON)]</span>
                    var temp = content_array[i];
* <span class="plainlinks">[ Ontology mapping: FF sample <--> CL, DOID, UBERON, FF term]</span>
                    var temp_array =temp.split("/");
                    var mot_id="";
                        if(temp_array[2].length> 0){ mot_id=temp_array[2];}else{mot_id="NA";}
                    m_data.content.push({EntrezGene:'<a href=/5/sstar/EntrezGene:'+temp_array[0]+'>'+temp_array[0]+'</a>',            Symbol:temp_array[1],MotifId:mot_id,Description:temp_array[3],PeakCount:temp_array[4]});
$('#tf_table').DataTable( {
        dom: 'Blfrtip',
                processing: true,
                pageLength: 25,
        buttons: ['copyHtml5', 'excelHtml5', 'csvHtml5', 'pdfHtml5'],
        lengthMenu: [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],
                scrollCollapse: true,
                autoWidth: false,
                jQueryUI: false,
                order: [[ 2, "asc" ]],
                data: m_data.content,
        columns: [
{ data: "EntrezGene", title: "EntrezGene"},
            { data: "Symbol", title: "Symbol"},
            { data: "MotifId", title: "Associated Motif",
              render: function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
var motid = data;
if (motid == "NA") {
    return_val = "NA";
} else {
    var splitted = motid.split("!");
    if (splitted != null) {
        if (splitted.length > 1) {
            var return_val = "";
            for (i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
                if (splitted[i].toString().indexOf("JASPAR motif") >= 0) {
                    return_val = '<a href=\"/5/sstar/' + splitted[i] + '\"><img src=\"/5/sstar/seqlogo/jaspar/' + splitted[i].split(":")[1] + '.png"  class="ImageBorder"  alt="' + splitted[i] + '">' + '</a>' + return_val;
                } else if (splitted[i].toString().indexOf("Swissregulon") >= 0) {
                    /*return_val = '<a href=\"/5/sstar/'+ splitted[i] + '\"><img src=\"/5/sstar/seqlogo/' + replaceAll(splitted[i].split(":")[1]," ","_") + '.png"  class="ImageBorder"  alt="' + splitted[i] + '">' + '</a>' + return_val;*/
return_val = "";
                    return_val = "";
        } else {
            if (splitted[0].toString().indexOf("JASPAR motif") >= 0) {
                return_val = '<a href=\"/5/sstar/' + splitted[0] + '\"><img src=\"/5/sstar/seqlogo/jaspar/' + splitted[0].split(":")[1] + '.png"  class="ImageBorder"  alt="' + splitted[0] + '">' + '</a>' ;
            } else if (splitted[0].toString().indexOf("Swissregulon") >= 0) {

              /* return_val = '<a href=\"/5/sstar/' + splitted[0] + '\"><img src=\"/5/sstar/seqlogo/' + replaceAll(splitted[0].split(":")[1]," ","_") + '.png"  class="ImageBorder"  alt="' + splitted[0] + '">' + '</a>' ;*/
=== CAGEd-oPOSSUM ===
return_val = "";
* <span class="plainlinks">[ Human]</span>
* <span class="plainlinks">[ Mouse]</span>
                    return_val = "";
    } else {
        return_val = "NA";
return return_val;
                                {data: "Description",title: "Description"},
                                {data: "PeakCount",title: "#of peaks"}
} );
} );
function replaceAll(str, token, newtoken) {
    while(str.indexOf(token) > -1) {
        str = str.replace(token, newtoken);
    return str;
<span id="export_tool"></span>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="stripe cell-border order-column compact" id="tf_table"> 

Latest revision as of 20:55, 16 February 2022

Data sources used in FANTOM5 SSTAR

CAGE peaks

  • CAGE peak location (with the robust threshold) , annotation, and expression
  • Ontology-based sample term enrichment analysis


Coexpression module


  • Novel motifs GREAT analysis results
  • Novel motifs Significance of the correlation with CAGE expression
  • Jaspar motifs Significance of the correlation with CAGE expression

