The directory contains RADICL-Seq results with moues ES cells. Sample names are as follows: mESC_1FA_1 Crosslinked cells with 1% formaldehyde (FA), biological replicate 1 mESC_1FA_2 Crosslinked cells with 1% formaldehyde (FA), biological replicate 2 mESC_1FA_3 Crosslinked cells with 1% formaldehyde (FA), biological replicate 3 mESC_2FA_1 Crosslinked cells with 2% formaldehyde (FA), biological replicate 1 mESC_2FA_2 Crosslinked cells with 2% formaldehyde (FA), biological replicate 2 mESC_4h_ActD_1 Treated cells with actinomycin D (ActD) for 4 hours, followed by crosslinking with 1% FA, biological replicate 1 mESC_4h_ActD_2 Treated cells with actinomycin D (ActD) for 4 hours, followed by crosslinking with 1% FA, biological replicate 2 mESC_Control_1 Non-protein-mediated (NPM) condition, in which 1% FA was followed by the digestion with proteinase K, biological replicate 1 mESC_Control_2 Non-protein-mediated (NPM) condition, in which 1% FA was followed by the digestion with proteinase K, biological replicate 1