# FANTOM6 raw data directory The directory contains FANTOM6 raw files, mainly, FASTQ, mapping BAM and CTSS files. The directory structure is as follows: ## top directory Each targeted cell samples (types) is numbered as "SetXX" (e.g. Set1, Set2, ..), and their analyzed data is put in each subdirectory ("SetXX_XXXXX"). ## subdirectories ### CAGE CAGE/ Files related to CAGE libraries CAGE/SetXX_Ref/ Files obtained in each (reference) CAGE run CAGE/SetXX_RunXX/ Files obtained in each (perturbed) CAGE run (in trasfection RunXX) CAGE/SetXX_XXX/seqs/ FASTQ files CAGE/SetXX_XXX/tophat_mapping/ mapped BAM files (using tophat program) CAGE/SetXX_XXX/tophat_ctss/ CTSS BED files (using tophat program) ### directional RNA-Seq directional_RNA_Seq/ Files related to directional RNA-Seq directional_RNA_Seq/SetXX_Fractionation/ Files obtained by the fractionation experiment. directional_RNA_Seq/SetXX_XXX/seqs/ FASTQ files directional_RNA_Seq/SetXX_XXX/tophat_mapping/ mapped BAM files (using tophat program) ### RNA-Seq The files in this directory was used to target gene selection of Set1 (human dermal fibroblast). Only FASTQ files are available. ### Hi-C Hi-C/ Files related to Hi-C Hi-C/SetXX_Ref/ Files obtained in each (reference) Hi-C run Hi-C/SetXX_XXX/seqs/ FASTQ files ### ChIRP-Seq ChIPP_Seq/ Files related to ChIRP-Seq ChIRP_Seq/SetXX_Ref/ Files obtained in each (reference) ChIRP-Seq run ChIRP_Seq/SetXX_XXX/seqs/ FASTQ files